Radio Femida-Kitchen Talk - Радио Фемида-Кухонные Разговоры Podcast Artwork Image

Radio Femida-Kitchen Talk - Радио Фемида-Кухонные Разговоры

Lidia Alperovich, Igor Voloshen

Igor A. Voloshen and Lidia Alperovich, Russian speaking attorneys from Pennsylvania, are the hosts of Podcast, a podcast devoted to appraisal of interesting national, international and local news and events through the legal prism.Игорь А. Волошен и Лидия Альперович, русскоязычные адвокаты из Пенсильвании, ведут подкаст, посвященный оценке интересных национальных, международных и местных новостей и событий через призму закона.The information provided in this podcast and its social media pages does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available are for general informational purposes only. Information in this podcast may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information. Podcast’s social media sites contain links to other third-party websites. Such links are only for the convenience of the reader, user or browser; Radio Femida does not recommend or endorse the contents of the third-party sites.
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NATO - НАТОJune 12, 2024
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University Protests - Протесты в университетахMay 22, 2024
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Illegal Immigration- Real Threat or a Bogeyman - Нелегальная иммиграция January 03, 2024
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Napoleon - НаполеонNovember 29, 2023
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Extremism - ЭстремизмOctober 27, 2023
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Golda: Reality of the Middle East - Голда: Реальность Ближнего ВостокаOctober 11, 2023
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Oppenheimer and Pandora Box - О́ппенгеймер и его ящик ПандорыAugust 09, 2023
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Domestic Violence - Агрессия в СемьеJuly 28, 2023
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Soldiers of Fortune - Солдаты удачиJuly 07, 2023
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Borders or no Borders - Границы или без границMay 31, 2023
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Guantanamo Bay - Тюрьма в ГуантанамоMay 17, 2023
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Cults -КультыMay 05, 2023
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The Pornhub Story for Us - История Pornhub для насApril 21, 2023
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Oscar for "Navalny" - Оскар за "Навального"March 24, 2023
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Is our World Really Divided? - Действительно ли наш мир разделен?March 09, 2023
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Law of war - Законы войныFebruary 24, 2023
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